30 Lessons for Fathers to Remember

@designbyhazema ~ Jonathan Wilson
3 min readJun 21, 2021


Happy Father’s Day! To all the individuals that resonate with that greeting, I wish you all the best. Being a parent is no walk through the park as I am quickly learning. Still, there are some things I think might be of aid to other parents if they were gently reminded of them. I know that in this crazy time we are all living in, it is not exactly easy to stay level-headed. Nonetheless, we owe it to our future generations to be the best we can be.

Be Super!

Here are 30 ways for you to do so;

1. Always be on the move, even if things don’t seem to go your way.

2. Don’t choose jobs. Life is not a straight line. Find a vocation, and you will never feel like you need a vacation.

3. One day everything will fall into place. Inshallah.

4. Things have a way of working out all by themselves. Take and give time always.

5. Caring is when someone scratches that part on your back that you can’t reach. Find people who care and hold them close.

6. Sometimes, something you never esteemed becomes your chief cornerstone. Do not fear new things or change to old things.

7. Falling is only a temporary setback to prove that you’re on the move.

8. You cannot declare yourself a failure before you even try. You miss 💯 percent of the shots you choose not to take.

9. Never underestimate yourself. Many presidents are products of rejection.

10. The fact that people reject you doesn’t mean you’re of no value. Guard your heart.

11. The future lies before you like a field of fallen snow. Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

12. An opportunity is like a biscuit dipped in tea. A little delay and it’s gone.

13. Rejection can be the most powerful motivation for someone. Do not let “setbacks” set you back in life!

14. Never let your weaknesses blind your strengths. Do not only focus on your strengths either. Balance is key.

15. Never trust a person who let you down more than twice. Expectations are evil.

16. When someone is nice to you, don’t expect that person will be like that all the time. First impressions matter regardless.

17. Opinions don’t change the world. Your example changes the world. Lead by example.

18. Heights won’t seem so high once you start climbing. Just take the first step!

19. Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

20. The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend feeling sorry for themselves.

21. Nobody cares about your story until you win.

22. Pray that your haters live long enough to see your success.

23. Don’t regret the things done wrong. Instead, regret the good things done for the wrong people.

24. When you’re dead, you don’t know that you’re dead. All of the pain is felt by others.

25. Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.

26. Deep inside of you is more strength than you will ever know. Find ways to let that light out of you and into the world.

27. Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.

28.No matter how big or strong you think you are, you will not carry yourself to your grave.

29. You never know how strong you are until your strength is put to test.

30. Don’t waste time thinking too much; just do what makes you happy.

shoutout to Larry June. Stay organic!

Enjoy your journey fellow Fathers and all. There are plenty of resources out there for our betterment. I shall soon have something special for us all real soon. I’m thinking perhaps a “Dada Design Dynasty”? Time shall soon tell.




@designbyhazema ~ Jonathan Wilson
@designbyhazema ~ Jonathan Wilson

Written by @designbyhazema ~ Jonathan Wilson

A Father, Farmer, & Faith amplifier on a mission to become a community leader design-wise. Advocating for better UX/UI design worldwide. VERSO L’ALTO! 🎨✨

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