A Gentle Reminder to always TRY.
I write this about 14 hours after my firstborn son entered into our home.
Depending on how you look at the clock, it is either too late of a night or quite an early start to the day. Early bird gets the worm though, right? Nonetheless, I decided that while both the wife and our new baby rests, it made sense to get to typing. After a long and hard thought session on what my second official article post be about, I had it. Getting stuck in life. It is a universal feeling after all, and one that I know all too well. I do have a few gems in the chamber waiting for new readers once I progress on my journey but for now I want to slow down, pause, and reflect. I know how unrealistic that sounds seeing as I just got married, had a kid, and completed 70% of my postsecondary pursue. Whew! Guess I just have to remind myself this is what I signed up for. Life.
I will always remember my father telling me these four words: THE POWER IS YOURS. These are the words of Captain Planet, who unlike my older siblings, I never got the chance to watch growing up. I was born in a whole different country than them with about a decade difference between my sister who is closest to me in age. I think that is why I always felt like I had a chip on my shoulder. I am supposed to in not only my mind, be the best version of all my siblings. This is not an easy thing to live up to I am realizing. On my journey I have come across people who are fuel by negative thoughts towards their families and upbringing. I have nothing to complain about as I had it pretty plushy most of my life. Being the lastborn will do that to you, sorry. I just pray my father accepts a grandson as an acceptable birthday gift.
[first lines]
Opening Narrator:
Our world is in peril. Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet. She gives five magic rings to five special young people. From Africa, Kwame with the power of earth. From the North America, Wheeler with the power of fire. From the Soviet Union, Linka with the power of wind. From Asia, Gi with the power of water and from South America, Ma-Ti with the power of heart. With the five powers combined they summon earth’s greatest champion — CAPTAIN PLANET!
Kwame, Wheeler, Linka, Gi, Ma-Ti:
Go, Planet!
I feel like Kwame with the power of earth, also coming from the motherland. Although this 2021 year marks a decade since I have visited grandmum in person(now great grandmum), I feel her spirit close to me now even as I type this out for the world to read. I know that my family, mainly my mother, did not migrate with me in the womb for me to fumble the bag once we landed. Well it is over two decades later and I hope Mama (now the new grandmama) is proud of what we have all accomplished so far. This is only the beginning. As I continue sharpen my UX/UI design skillset saw, I want to grow even more specific and attentive to my niches and their growing markets. I plan to find my Wheeler, Linka, Gi, and Ma-Ti soon to complete my team of change agents doing good to and for our planet in the name of our future generations. Believe me, this is no small task.
[Lil Bibby:] I said if you wanna get ahead sometimes you gotta go with doubt you feel me? You have to make a lot of sacrifices for this shit man, you know what I’m saying? A wise man once told me, he said Bibby you want something you never had, you gotta do something you ain’t never did. You feel me?
You see reader, as you are probably very much aware by now, life is not easy. I do not think life is hard however. Life to me, is what I make it out to be, sort of like this article. I was so focus on structure and topic that I blocked my blessings from flowing through me. I do have the power to create my own reality and have control over my journey. Now to take this time to remind you the same. I am not so special at all. I just try. Everyday. You may not have answers or anywhere to turn at the moment, but do remember that you have yourself. Yes we are all going to perish one day, but not until that day are you allowed to let go of life. Take every opportunity with a grain of salt, but still do not fear failure. I only wish to offer you perhaps a fresh perspective on things going on in your life. Do not underestimate the power of pivoting your life. Every great design sprint could use some pivots along the way. This is no mere sprint to the finish-line though, just like Nipsey Hussle said, this life thing is a marathon. The least you could do is yourself a favor and put your best foot forward on your own journey. For what is the point of existing if that is not just it. Exist. Emanate. Explore. Experience. Laugh. Love. Live.