Only Fools Fall in Love❤️‍🩹


It is April 1st and I just began watching episode 105 of Hunter × Hunter called RESLOVE X AND X AWAKENING. This episode opens up with the “big bad guy” of the arc in deep thought about losing at an in-series borad game called Gungi that resembles the more commonly known game of chess. He asked himself how such beautiful plays, paragons of logic can flow from his opponent Komugi ( was the World Gungi Champion) who to the King appears to be a vile weak human who shows no signs of intelligence. The King’s meeting with the world champion has left him baffled and irritated but he still enjoys their matches. Is he a fool to keep playing the game?

scene from episode 105; The King facing off with Komugi

Meruem is the main antagonist of the Hunter × Hunter anime/manga series. He is the most powerful offspring of the Chimera Ant Queen and is known as the “King” (おう, Ō). He was voiced by Kouki Uchiyama and Max Mittelman in both Japanese and English respectively. This character’s overall design in particular is one of my personal favorites in the Hunter × Hunter series due to the hints of purple and his powerful tail.

I love the way the King is conflicted with himself in this part of the show. I can relate to his indecisiveness, doubt in himself, as well as the natural confusion at his own actions and emotions. At this point in the show, he is battling on many frontlines if you think about it a bit deeper, and I think that we can all relate to that in some capacity. This character’s overall design in particular is still one of my personal favorites in the Hunter × Hunter series due to the hints of purple and his powerful tail. His unique and sudden appearance in the show is felt every time he graces the screen.

Meruem the King.

They say that only fools fall in love. But what exactly does that mean? Does it mean that love is a foolish emotion, or is it something more complex? Perhaps, it’s a reflection of the ups and downs that come with love, the balance between the chase and the catch, and the ability to handle defeat when it comes.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the idea that love is a delicate balance between the yin and yang of life, and how sometimes being your own hero is the only way to handle the challenges of love. Self-Determination Theory is a fancy way of saying that when you have control over your own life, you feel better about yourself and you do better in school. It’s all about feeling like you have choices and that you’re in charge of your own life. Think about it this way: when you get to choose what you study or what activity you do, you’re more likely to enjoy it and do well at it. But when someone else tells you what to do, you might not be as interested, and you might not try as hard. The theory says that there are three things that make us feel more in control of our lives: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy means having choices and being in charge. Competence means feeling like we’re good at something. And relatedness means feeling connected to other people. When we have these three things, we’re more likely to be happy, motivated, and successful.

The Yin and Yang of Love:

Love is a complex emotion, with its ups and downs, its twists and turns, and its own unique challenges. It’s like the yin and yang of life, with both light and dark aspects that must be balanced. The light side of love is the feeling of joy, the butterflies in your stomach, the rush of excitement that comes with being with someone you care about. The dark side of love is the feeling of loss, the pain of rejection, the heartache that comes with being alone.

The Balance Between the Chase and the Catch:

Love is a journey, and like any journey, it requires balance. The chase is the exciting part of love, the pursuit of someone you care about, the feeling of being alive and in the moment. The catch is the part where you settle down, build a life together, and face the realities of being in a long-term relationship. Balancing the chase and the catch is critical to making a relationship work. If you focus too much on the chase, you’ll burn out and lose interest. If you focus too much on the catch, you’ll lose the excitement and passion that brought you together in the first place.

Being Your Own Hero:

Sometimes, in love, you have to be your own hero. When you’re going through a difficult time, when you’re feeling lost and alone, you need to be strong enough to handle it on your own. It’s like playing chess, where you love the game, but hate when you’re defeated. The feeling of defeat can be hard to handle, but sometimes, you have to be your own hero and pick yourself up. No one else can do it for you. Choose activities that you’re interested in, set goals for yourself, and try to connect with other people who share your interests. When you feel like you’re in control, you’ll be more motivated and you’ll enjoy life more.

[King] “I don’t like it. During our matches my rhythm is the one being disrupted, not hers. By all rights, this should be an unbearable indignity, and yet, although I find myself frustrated, I enjoy it at the same time. What I don’t understand is why.”

[King]“My skill in self-analysis is not yet refined. I find it extremely vexing.” Tell me about it Meruem! I know those ones all too well my guy. Love is a complicated emotion that requires balance, patience, and strength. It’s like the yin and yang of life, with both light and dark aspects that must be balanced. It’s a journey that requires both the chase and the catch, and sometimes, being your own hero is the only way to handle the challenges of love. So, don’t be a fool, embrace love, and all the ups and downs that come with it. Remember that losing a battle don’t mean you’ve lost the war.



@designbyhazema ~ Jonathan Wilson
@designbyhazema ~ Jonathan Wilson

Written by @designbyhazema ~ Jonathan Wilson

A Father, Farmer, & Faith amplifier on a mission to become a community leader design-wise. Advocating for better UX/UI design worldwide. VERSO L’ALTO! 🎨✨

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